What is the meaning of "as it does"?

2012-02-08 1:56 pm
I come across a sentence like this:

"Our integrated approach, involving as it does creative outsourcing solutions and fast feedback loops, is a..."

My questions are
1) What the meaning of the phrase "as it does" is &
2) What is the usage of the phrase (e.g. discourse marker or insert??)

Many thanks

回答 (3)

2012-02-08 3:13 pm
it's used in this case as emphasis...you do tend to see this in older texts
2016-09-16 7:50 pm
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2012-02-08 2:09 pm
Well, what you were reading sounds a lot like an older book. And older styles of writing involve (as they do) beating around the bush. As in, they dilly dally around and don't say things point blank. It's pretty much a phrase that I would use when trying to be snide and still getting my point across. Try reading the sentance as"Our integrated approach, involving creative outsourcing solutions and fast feedback loops, is a..."
Hope this helps!

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