Is this grammatically right" explain something in details"?

2012-02-08 8:02 am

回答 (6)

2012-02-08 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
explain something in detail -

Here detail is used as a collective noun for all the small bits of information that are being requested.
2012-02-08 4:07 pm
"Explain something in detail" (not detailS)
2012-02-08 5:45 pm
It is.
2012-02-08 4:45 pm
I do think "in detail" (without 's') is correct in that it is an idiom
2012-02-08 4:04 pm
Forreal i dnt think i no wut yo sayin. <----thats not but at least theres punctuation ;)
2012-02-08 4:03 pm
it is right

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