Would I have to pay another fee for filing another W-2?

2012-02-07 11:32 pm
I went to Jackson Hewitt the other day to file my W-2's. Don't ask me why but I had to file about four W-2's. Unfortunately, I JUST received my 5th W-2 in the mail. I had these W-2's for a week and a half now, and I am surprised to see another one show up out of no where, especially right after I just got done filing them. I paid Jackson Hewitt about 160 dollars for the fee. Do you think I would need to pay another fee for this fifth W-2? This is my second time doing my tax returns. Hopefully, if anyone could help, that would be great!

回答 (4)

2012-02-07 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes since NOW you need to file another type of tax return called a Amended Return. It takes as much if not longer then the 1st one. Haste makes waste.
2012-02-08 7:36 am
very likely they will charge you for another filing, of course, they don't do it for free
if you knew where you worked during the year, it would have been prudent to wait for all of the W2s to get to you, they should have been mailed by Jan. 31, but with mail service as it is, that would extend into Feb.
and it is not another tax return it is an amendment, 1040X
2012-02-08 7:42 am
What do you mean it "showed up out of nowhere"?
YOU are supposed to know where you worked and keep track of how many W2s you're supposed to get.

This is YOUR LIFE numbnuts.
It is YOUR duty to take care of it,

Jack will charge you again, but you don't have to go there.

go to an IRS VITA site and get your 1040X done for free.

Go to the IRS WEBSITE.
Read the 1040, 1040X, and their instructions,

Yes, YOU.

2012-02-08 7:41 am
I would bring the W-2 to Jackson Hewitt, it depends on how much the amount is. It might not change your return much. It won't take much to add the w-2 to the return, but they then have to print the 1040x for you to paper file. I would call and ask them what there fee would be. I work for a tax service; I usually do not charge for that (if I do it is a minimal fee).
參考: I am a paid tax preparer.

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