
2012-02-08 7:03 am
1. 跟12月比較,1月的收入為什麼能增加了10元? 是因為新年?
2. 跟12月比較,1月的收入為什麼能減少了10元? 3. 下面entry的10元是for什麼慈善活動(donation),且提供了什麼服務?
4. 2011年的XX project合約已滿,那他有續約或會有新的project嗎?


回答 (2)

2012-02-08 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English Translation

1. 跟12月比較,1月的收入為什麼能增加了10元? 是因為新年?
1. Compared with Dec, why could the monthly income in January increase by $10? Is it because of the new year?2. 跟12月比較,1月的收入為什麼能減少了10元?2. Compared with Dec, why could the monthly income in January decrease by $10?
3. 下面entry的10元是for什麼慈善活動(donation),且提供了什麼服務?
3. What charity donation was the $10 entry below for, and what services were provided?
4. 2011年的XX project合約已滿,那他有續約或會有新的project嗎?
4. The 2011 contract for the XX project has expired. Has he renewed the contract or is there going to be a new project?
2012-02-08 7:21 pm
1)Why did the income increase to 10 dollars compared to last December?
2)Why could the income decline by 10 dollars in comparison of last December?
3)This contract in 2011 has been terminated. Is he going to renew the contract of xxx by now?

Sorry, I don't really understand what the meaning of Q3 is><
hope those ans. can be for ur reference!

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