grammar question

2012-02-08 5:09 am
Q1. What is the meaning of "was bedridden" in the following news
Q2. Is it right "the older man's horse-racing addiction" ? use "his father" instead of the old man是否適合?
Q3. "risked 是否用得不適當,please explain?

The court heard that on October 11, 2009, he chopped his father in the head, eyes and legs at their Ping Shek Estate apartment after a row over the older man's horse-racing addiction. When Lai arrived home, she found her husband in a pool of blood at the balcony, but she did not call police as the couple did not want the son to be arrested. Instead, Lai bought medicated oil from a Chinese medicine practitioner and rubbed it on Kwong's numerous wounds. But when the husband's condition deteriorated - he had pus in his wounds and was bedridden - Lai and her son covered Kwong with a cloth, tied him to a trolley and left him out on a street. They then called police and an ambulance for help. Paramedics, however, found him already dead. In a verbal statement to police, Lai said she should have sent her husband to hospital but was very worried that their son would get arrested. She also said they risked the Housing Department penalizing the family and disqualifying them from living in a public housing estate due to rubbish hoarded in their flat But when the husband's condition deteriorated - he had pus in his wounds and was bedridden - Lai and her son covered Kwong with a cloth, tied him to a trolley and left him out on a street.

The older man 是否代表 subject's father ? 點解用older 而不是用old ?What is meaning in chinese ? "risked" what is meaning in chinese? Thanks

回答 (3)

2012-02-12 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Grammar question

Q1.What is the meaning of "was bedridden" in the following news?
臥床不起的, was restricted to the bed
Q2. Is it right "the older man's horse-racing addiction" ? use "his father" instead of the old man是否適合?
不合適,not suitable. as "his father" was used in the front part of the sentence already.
補充 The older man 是否代表 subject's father ? 點解用older 而不是用old ?What is meaning in chinese ?
The older man 是代表 subject's father 。不用his father 以免不清楚 ,用older(年紀較大),來顯示父子關係
Q3. "risked 是否用得不適當,"risked" what is meaning in chinese? please explain?
適當,risked解冒.....險,很貼合他們的處境。 It fits their situation.

2012-02-11 21:41:35 補充:
A.1 臥床不起的, was restricted to bed
2012-02-11 3:24 am
The older man 是否代表 subject's father ? 點解用older 而不是用old ?What is meaning in chinese ?

"risked" what is meaning in chinese?
2012-02-09 2:27 am
1. The meaning of "was bedridden" in the following news is "was stayed in bed all the time because the victim was injured."

2. use "his father" instead of the old man 可能不太適合。使用太多代名詞可能造成混淆。

3. "risked 用得適當。The reason is that being penalized by the Housing Department and being disqualified from living in a public housing estate due to rubbish hoarded in the flat are both considered to be a risk to Lai and her son.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:05:19
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