olympiad questions (urgent)

2012-02-08 4:24 am


Q9: Why is A/B (both are similiar, but different direction) incorrect?

Q11: I know the force acting on the cars have the same magnitude, and they collide at the same time. But why was driver of car A at fault?

Q16: For A, I heard that so far no magnetic monopole has been found, but according to the theory, is it actually possible to have one? if yes, then why A is impossible?
For C and E, how is it possible? I mean what's the way to do that?


回答 (2)

2012-02-09 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
9. The answer should be option B.
The object is the [S]outh pole of a magnet. Since the coil carries a current flowing in the counterclockwise direction (viewed from above), the bottom of the coil is a magnetic [S]outh pole. Because like poles repel, the coil thus floats above the object (magnet).

11. It has been given in the question that "car A ran the red light and hit car B which had the right of way at the intersection".

16. In theory, it is possible, but usually people would not do this.
Since a flow of charge constitutes an electric current, which produces a magnetic field that can interact with a magnetic compass, this use a wire to discharge the static charges, if the compass shows a deflection, the presence of static charges is confrmed.

Likewise, connect a search coil to a voltmeter. By moving the search coil in the magentic field, an induced emf should be observed on the voltmeter.

2012-02-16 5:15 am
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