1. 假若我有一份AA報告,懷疑報告裡的BB和CC這兩個項目(items)的數據出錯,可怎樣要求對方檢查及修正?
Would you please help us to check the AA report on BB and CC(還是BB and CC in the AA report)? If there are typo of them, please send us the updated version.2. 假若因對方希望有一份report for 他的mthly review,要我們team幫忙建立,上司要我幫忙處理,現在因我不清楚對方需要的資料(什麼產品、project等),要求對方以電郵提供他希望/需要的資料。
According to your request, we will build the new XX report to you. Would you please kindly provide us which products or projects you concern?