"The employee may be required to attend training courses organised by the company's parent company. In such event the employee shall attend such training course as the company will designate. If the employee resigns or is summarily dismissed within one year after he/she attended such training courses he/she shall be liable to pay to the company all expenses that insurred by the company for it to provide him/her with such training on a pro-rata basis calculated based on the remaining period of such one year period unless otherwise agreed by the company"
我想問假設我是2012年1月1日入職, 但公司4月1日才派我去training course,如果我在2013年的1月1日離職要否作出賠償? 定係我要2013年的4月1日之後走才不用賠償?
但如果公司其後不斷都有training course, 到2012年12月1日仍要上training course, 那我是否被迫延遲了辭職的日期?一定要2013年12月1日後才可以不用賠償離職?