
2012-02-07 8:24 am
please provide the support document such as promotion memo or approved campaign proposal etc to proof that it is in urgent need of launch promotion.

我想答 :-沒有support document or memo (之後我唔知點回答, 請幫忙諗下點答, 我只是想對方可以幫忙order贈品 ) (事情是我地要marketing 幫忙order贈品, 我之前send email俾marketing話想push up 3月份sales, 想用送贈品做promotion, 所以想marketing儘快幫忙order贈品者, 但暫時沒有任何memo或support document)

回答 (1)

2012-02-07 2:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think their request is reasonable especially if the promotion gifts are charged to their account. They may be just following the rules of the company. I think you should write up some memo explaining why you need a promotion, when do you need the gifts, how many, how are you planing to use the gifts etc and get your boss to sign it. If you plan to do this, you can answer them this way.

Sorry I don't have any support document at present but I will supplement an approved document to you later. Because the promotion is for March, please do me a favor by placing the order first. I promise I'll get you the approved document very soon.

2012-02-07 06:27:18 補充:
remember the story of 狼來了,if they do you a favor and you don't do you part, there is no second time.

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