In high school does anyone else have these thoughts?

2012-02-07 5:02 am
I am a teenager who has never really done anything as far as relationships go is it normal for me to be thinking I am never going to get a date and then being really depressed because of it? I mean I know I am not the best looking but there is hope right?

回答 (8)

2012-02-07 5:05 am
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Very normal, but I must admit, my biggest regret looking back at high school was caring about boys opinions of me, and wanting to impress them to the extent of hiding who I am. Succeed in high school, where everyone is extremely different. Find love in University, where you meet those with similar interests, those worthy of an honest relationship.

The boys in high school lack maturity and understanding. Avoid it, it will ruin you.
2012-02-07 1:06 pm
Everybody in high school feels like that at one time or another. Even those gals that you think are so pretty and have so many boyfriends are also insecure. It's the nature of a teen-ager.
2012-02-07 1:13 pm
Its is normal for you to always be alone till the day you die.
2012-02-07 1:11 pm
you will get a nice boy soon.
i just got out of highschool and didnt had any relationship with nobody. but i never worry about that i know i will get one someday
2012-02-07 1:08 pm
Very normal but not pratical until you're earning money. The time now is for study/exams/qualifications which may lead you to work or furthur education.
Naturally you need to believe you have what ti takes in the looks department
there's definately blokes out there who'll go for you, but you need to be in the
right places to find them. Ie look at your life your interests and work out where
you'll find the type you're looking for.
2012-02-07 1:06 pm
I have them and yes there is hope
2012-02-07 1:06 pm
Of course thats normal! i used to think i would never get a boyfriend! now i have one and im pregnant(: i sort of let my emotions let these type of things happen, so dont be dumb likee me. just hang in there! Life isnt over yet( :
參考: My self
2012-02-07 1:04 pm
Sooner or later, girls will realize that looks don't pay the bills, unless you like male prostitution.

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