My professor hit on me what should i do?

2012-02-07 4:34 am
I have been friends with my professor for over a year now, and i think of him like a mentor or father figure. and today he touched my chest and tryed to ask me if i wanted to have sex. i reacted very awkwardly and left the room. all i could think of the whole time was his lovely wife, and his kids, and his grand kids? i don't want to report him and ruin is family or career yet i am now scared that he will fail me for turning him down. what should i do?

回答 (9)

2012-02-07 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Reporting would be my first suggestion, but if you feel that it will cuase more harm than good then keep your distance once you have let him know that it was a very uncomfortable situation, since you think of him as a mentor or father figure, which may put him in his place. If by chance after this that you notice that the grades given to you seem unfair, or in warranted than it will leave you as no choice but to take your work to a higher authority for comparison of the grade so that you will have a warranted case against him. Remember that there are people that although they seem helpful and nice, some will take advantage, and most get away with it. Think about you, and your well being, don't let yourself be taken advantage of. It will only build as your life goes on.
2012-02-07 4:37 am
First of all, he is the one that touched you inappropriately. The fact that you say, "you don't want to ruin his family" is false. He made the decision to take it to that level. It is wrong and unprofessional, not to mention he is married. I would definitely tell someone so this type of thing does not happen to other students. His job is to teach you, not to try to get in your pants. So yeah, my advice is to report it right away and let the school deal with it through protocol. Trust me he knows better.
2012-02-07 4:38 am
This is hard to do, but if he tries that again, tell him that you don't want to and you want to keep things the way they are. If he doesn't respect your wishes, threaten to report him. If he tries to blackmail you, then you have to report him.

You may never be friends with him the same way again, but this is all kinds of wrong.
2012-02-07 5:05 am
Cant let him hurt you, reporting is the way
2012-02-07 4:36 am
Mention it to someone who must keep it secret. Then try to continue class. If you pass then no worrys but if you fail then you can bring it up not just for spite but because he failed you for unprofessional reasons.
2012-02-07 5:09 am
Hit him back. BTW... this really is not an ETIQUETTE question... but thanks for asking!

Have a polite day.
Etiquette takes over where laws end.
2012-02-07 4:36 am
Report it!If someone or the cops find out about it and u didn't report it u will go to jail so ur chose
參考: Me
2012-02-07 5:51 am
yea right..go find your bio father and stop trying to ruin lives
2012-02-07 4:36 am
Use it against him say that if you don't get an A you'll tell
參考: A fish

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