What's a good thing to do?

2012-02-07 4:19 am

I'm not bored, just want to see how people answer this

回答 (7)

2012-02-07 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
tightly wrap yourself in saran wrap, and have a naked lady beat you with a dead fish.
2012-02-07 12:49 pm
Watch movies, draw, read, look up memes on the internet, screw around outside, listen to music, go camping or snowboarding(back to the outside thing), etc....
2012-02-07 12:49 pm
2012-02-07 12:48 pm
listen to music?
2012-02-07 12:59 pm
Make something out of yourself. Make ur parents proud.
2012-02-07 12:49 pm
2012-02-07 12:48 pm
Eat a sausage pizza from Rocky Rococco's. That's some good stuff!

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