Girl Question???????

2012-02-07 3:59 am
Well.. theres this girl.. shes in 8th grade im a freshman.. and i knew who she was shes a hotter 8th grader...but ive never talked to her.. and she randomly texted me... But all i got out of her was like haha, yeah, haha ok, etc. Like 2 or 3 longer responses but thats it. And she hasnt texted me since. I mean shes hot and cant be that boring cus shes friends with my best friend. What should i do, and how should i flirt? BTW i dont see her anywhere in or out of school until next year. suggestions on what to say and if shes into me? I texted her myself after that. Here is part of the most recent convo
Her: hey
me: Hey
Her: whatsup
Me: nm boutta watch tosh.o hbu
Her: funn andd nm music
Me: nicee...what music
Her: drakee
Me: eww he sucks now :p
Her: i still think hes good haha
Me: nahh wiz khalifa

Anyway she just randomly texted me again. Its been like a month from above and we didnt talk. The conversation above is part of this recent one

回答 (10)

2012-02-07 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
i am sure she has a thing for you
參考: simple enough to say that
2012-02-07 12:03 pm
If a girl texts you, she misses you. If she doesn't, she's waiting for you to miss her. And she's probably trying to act a bit more mature since you're older. Don't drag it out; ask her on a date sometime and be honest about how you feel. Chances are shell say yes, and if not it won't be the end of the world.
參考: I'm a girl
2012-02-07 12:00 pm
she was obvisouly playing with your emotions..she clearly knows u like her.
2012-02-07 12:43 pm
never go for the younger women, middle school girls are so different from high school girls you have no idea the maturity level difference. if you dont even see her theres no point anyways.
2012-02-07 12:41 pm
U should send her the song lets get it on
參考: Me
2012-02-07 12:41 pm
Yay I think she is ask here to go somewhere with you if not then she's proboly just playing around good luck :)
2012-02-07 12:40 pm
she may be shy and not sure how to start a conversation with you because shes nervous but if she just does not waht to start one and if she cant keep a conversation the relationship will be the most boring biggest regret you will ever have your young youll most likley have plenty of girls in the next few years
2012-02-07 12:36 pm
Why the hell would you care if shes hot or not? She can have a bad personality. Learn more about her. If shes ever cheated on anyone or played someone. Sounds like it to me.


(My friend says Emily loves you darling)
2012-02-07 12:35 pm
Flirt with her and send pics
2012-02-07 12:32 pm
Suck her

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