
2012-02-07 3:46 am
1) agent會幫我搞d咩? 收幾多佣?

2) 有冇d咩學校係好似西雅圖大學咁既level?


4)邊間foundation好? 係咪一定要讀foundation?

5) 同人合租好d定homestay好d? homestay包唔包3餐?

6) 放假返hk既機票大既幾$?

回答 (1)

2012-02-07 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Only finding a school. Everything else is on your own.

2. Yes.

3. Most community colleges in Washington.

4. No - there is no such thing called foundation in the U.S.

5. It is up to you. For homestay, it depends on the agreement you have.

6. Not cheap - as you need connections (either through Tokyo Narita, San Francisco, or Vancouver, BC).

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