英文Grammar一問 X40分

2012-02-07 3:32 am
eg. Amy talked to me proudly.(False)
只有 Amy talked to me in a condescending way.等寫法 (即in+adjective+way)

即eg. Amy talked to me in a pround way.

2.我想問以下我的寫法對嗎?如有錯,請作proofreading !(請注意分號的usages)
eg. Queenie is intelligent;however,her sister is dull.
Queenie is intelligent;however,she achieved poor result in exams evey now and then.

3.試詳細地解釋以下開引號的usages !
eg. 1.Candy is a 'good' teacher.
2.Ricky is 'rubbish'.
3.Eric is 'beautiful'.

4.請詳細地講解despite的用法 !5.試指出及解釋以下兩句句子結構的不同 !eg. Not only we had lost our coats but also our wallets.(兩個均是noun)It is scary to go swimming not only because of the hygiene there ,but also because of the behavior of the swimmers.(這個結構+詞性怎樣對?)Not only I have been to Nanjing , but also I was born there.( (這個結構+詞性怎樣對?)*即我想問Not only…But also…唔係要兩句句子的結構/詞性對岩晒咩?


回答 (6)

2012-02-07 11:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.proudly是adverb(副詞),來形容她的talk這動詞是可以的(注意串字)。不過用proud來作為形容talk to一個人的態度則不是英語人會用的副詞,因為proud並不是如中文解釋偏向貶意的驕傲或高傲,而是褒意的光榮或自豪。所以如果你這樣英語人會看成是「她很自豪地向你說話」。 Amy talked to me in a condescending way.的condescending way的意思你明白嗎?如果你老師的用意是告訴你用talk這動詞或用只能用in xxx way來形容,那他/她對用詞應用程度不太高。他/她給你的回答句子的意思是「她屈尊地對我說話」或「她紓尊降貴地跟我說話」或平常點「她關切地跟我說話」跟你原句似乎想講她很高傲地跟你說話剛好是反義的。 例句:She talked to me kindly.She walked towards me quickly.都是可以的。She talked to me in a kind way.She walked towards me in a quick manner/pace.都是可以的,不過較為傳統舊式的英語寫/講法。 如果你想寫她高傲地跟你說話便應選用一些沒有兩種褒貶可能的詞例如:She talked to me in an arrogant way.She talked to me arrogantly.會比較明確。 2. 首先不要誤會however就是but的長版,雖然查字典意思是一樣,組句時的用意(不是意思)不是同等的。However是用於對比兩樣層次和程度都比較大距離的東西,或者是極度轉變的東西。你的兩句句子雖然文法上不能說錯,但意義上卻不是強列的對比。 第一句intelligent 跟 dull的對比有少許偏差,intelligent是指聰明而dull是指沉靜/悶,所以用but作連接還可以接受。Queenie is intelligent but her sister is dull.第二句
intelligent跟有時考試成積差則完全非對比或改變的東西即使用but也不合適,不要被中文的「但是」誤用了however.你寫這句應該的意思是:Queenie縱使聰明,她的考試成積偶然也會差勁。傳統的寫法是:Even though Queenie is intelligent, she may still get poor grades(results) in exams every now and then.簡化的寫法是:Queenie is intelligent, still she may get poor grades(results) in exams now and then. 3.‘adjective’ – 特別指出這個形容詞,強調所形容的人/東西比這形容詞強烈或重要‘good’ teacher可能指她比一般的good更好或者有種特別的好是其他好老師亦沒有,例如特別對你關心。‘rubbish’突出這個垃圾的意思是粗俗的非人類描述‘beautiful’用這個美麗詞形容eric一個男仔?可能是諷刺他油頭粉面或太愛美… 4.despite意思是縱使(如第二句的Queenie的情況),句子必須包括前句是一種狀況/事實,後句是跟前句狀況/事實反其道或不合理的結果。記住despite已經是一個連接詞,前後句由,(逗號)分開,常有錯誤是加個but字(英語人亦會錯),記住despite 和in spite of同義,都是沒有but 的。Despite Queenie’s intelligent, she may get poor grades in exams now and then. 5. Not only had we lost our coats but our wallets also.我認為英語人會這樣講/寫。不過but also亦可以的,had we verb則一定要倒裝寫,是強調的寫法。(兩個noun的原因是句子描述lost這個動詞給兩樣同時已失的東西) Not only have I been to Nanjing , but I was also born there.It is scary to go swimming ...NOT ONLY preposition phrase (because of X), BUT ALSO preposition phrase (because of Y)係要對啱,但係要明白對的內容而不一定是句子的全部結構
2012-02-09 7:34 pm
(4) Despite 不是 連接詞 (conjunction) It is a preposition.
You can use despite with a noun phrase or –ing form.

The parade went ahead despite the heavy rain.
Despite being the capital of Canada, Ottawa isn’t the biggest city.

We cannot use it with a finite clause.
Despite it is the capital of Canada, Ottawa isn’t the biggest city. ~ wrong

But we sometimes use despite the fact that if two clauses have different subjects.
She went to France despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest.

(3) Quotation marks suggest ironic use of a word or phrase in your sentences. It can draw attention to an uncommon word or phrase or a usage very different in style. This practice should be used with discretion.
Peter’s skiing “vacation” consisted of three weeks with his leg in a cast.

1. Candy is a 'good' teacher.
Candy不識怎樣教書, 得過且過, 上課喜歡講笑, 她改測驗試卷鬆, 全班及格, 大部份人取得A, 皆大歡喜. Candy is a “good” teacher. (諷刺, In fact, Candy is not a good teacher.)

2.Ricky is 'rubbish'.
Rubbish (noun) = (1) 廢物,垃圾 ~是物件東西 (2) 胡說. 廢話
當Ricky 被人當物件,廢物形容, (作者是抨擊; 貶低 Ricky), 所以用quotation marks

3.Eric is 'beautiful'. 作者用 beautiful形容男人是挖苦的. Eric is a sissy, 看起來娘娘腔
按慣例 beautiful 形容女人, handsome形容男人

(5) Correlative conjunctions (not only . . . but also) are pairs of words used to link balanced words, phrases, and clauses. The elements connected by correlative conjunctions are usually parallel --that is, similar in length and grammatical form. The second word groups mentioned is usually more surprising, informative, or important than the first one.

For emphasis, you can put “not only” first, followed by inversion.
Not only did we lose our money, but also we were nearly killed.

We had lost not only our coats but also our wallets.

I dare not go swimming there. Not only hygiene problem but also the swimmers’ behaviour scared me.

The third sentence is OK.

2012-02-09 11:38:59 補充:
(1) Amy talked to me proudly. 文法是對, 可能意思錯誤
老師話False, 原因 proudly 不一定是驕傲的,自大的
Amy talked to me in a condescending way. (高傲, 高人一等)

Proud = feeling pleased about something or someone.(自豪,為榮)
e.g. I am proud of my daughter.

2012-02-09 12:36:38 補充:
2. 用錯 achieve 這個字

achieve (達到,贏得) = to succeed in doing or having what you intended, usually after a lot of effort

Queenie is intelligent; however, her exam result is poor sometimes.

However is an adverb. You use however when you add a comment which contrasts what has just been said.

2012-02-09 12:45:51 補充:
Not only did Peter grill a steak for his girlfriend, but he also prepared a hotdog for her dog.
Michael grilled meat not only for his girlfriend but also for her dog.
Michael grilled meat for not only his girlfriend but also her dog.

Not only…but also…通常兩句句子的結構/詞性最好對岩, 但不一定要
2012-02-07 7:41 pm
這並非英文寫法:Queenie is intelligent;however,she achieved poor result in exams evey now and then.

Queenie is intelligent, however, her result is poor so far.

2.Ricky is 'rubbish'. 口頭語會出現,屬於罵人的話。通常不應在文章中出現。

3.Eric is 'beautiful'. 形容一個人的外貌,通常不會使用‘beautiful’。
Eric is good looking.

2012-02-07 11:43:30 補充:
Not only we had lost our coats but also our wallets.
Not only had we lost our coats but also our wallets.

2012-02-07 11:48:26 補充:
Not only I have been to Nanjing , but also I was born there.
Not only have I visited Nanjing, actually, I was born there.

2012-02-07 11:51:26 補充:
It is scary to go swimming not only because of the hygiene there ,but also because of the behavior of the swimmers. 英文通常唔會這樣寫,‘It is scary’在這裡並不適合。

I dare not to go swimming. Not only the hygiene problem over there, but also the behaviour of the swimmers frightened me.
2012-02-07 4:40 pm
Yes ,I agree Riccsyy is correct.
參考: me
2012-02-07 5:14 am
1) 呢個我唔係好肯定
但係我覺得Amy talked to me proudly可以接受喎><
e.g. in a silly way / in a unfriendly manner

2)intelligent同dull唔係對比, 可以用foolish / stupid
"Queenie is intelligent and hardworking;however, she achieved poor results in exams every now and then."比較好

3) 睇埋前文後語好啲喎>< 我盡量
No. one: 諷刺(not a good teacher)
No. two: 作特別使用
No. three: 如No. One

e.g. despite the bad weather, Mary and her family are still going to the beach merrily.


2012-02-07 4:19 am
it should be "Not only had we lost our coats but also our wallets" and "Not only have I been to Nanjing , but also I was born there."
however the 2nd sentence is still a bit strange...
after "not only", inversion should be used.

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