
2012-02-07 2:24 am
點樣整沙律(用英文)快 令天內答

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2012-02-07 2:54 am
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how to make a salad?
2012-02-12 2:53 am
Title:Fruit salad

The materials I use for making fruit salad include 2 glassfuls of strawberry
(about 25 medium-sized ones), 2 large bananas, 4 medium- sized kiwi
fruit, 1 medium-sized orange and one half of a small lemon( orange and
lemon are for making salad dressing ). Apart from all these the only seasoning I require is just a little honey.
To begin with, first of all I juice the orange and lemon and leave the juice
for later use. Secondly, I wash and clean the strawberries, remove their
calyxes and cut them each into two halves, slice the bananas into thick
pieces and have the kiwi fruit peeled and each cut into four pieces.
Thirdly, blend a glassful of strawberry with a little honey, together with
the prepared orange and lemon juice into smooth and fine salad
dressing by means of a blender. Finally, I put the remaining strawberry, banana and kiwi fruit in the salad bowl and put the salad dressing on top. There it is, the fruit salad is well prepared and ready, but if you are not
going to enjoy it right away, it will have to be put inside the refrigerator to
keep it fresh.
參考: me
2012-02-07 3:01 am
Leaf lettuce saladFetch some leaves of lettuce, of course, isfresh, hand-torn to pieces, the more lettuce leaf salad broken the better, andthen fully immersed in ice water for about 10 minutes. Is taken to an onion, isalso a tender, cut into a piece of thin slices, immersed in ordinary water,eliminate spicy, and then out, down the net in which the water. Remove Jin Zhaolettuce ice water poured into a plate, sprinkled those onion flakes, then addthe chopped parsley, stir. Side out before serving, and pour the sauce.萵苣葉沙拉  取來一些萵苣葉,當然是鮮嫩的,用手扯碎,越 萵苣葉沙拉碎越好,然後悉數浸入冰水中,約10分鐘。取來一隻洋蔥頭,也是嫩一點的,切成一片片薄片,浸入普通的水中,祛除辛辣,然後拿出來,倒淨其中的水分。去掉浸著萵苣的冰水,盛入餐盤,撒上那些洋蔥薄片,再放入切碎的香菜,攪拌。端出來食用之前,澆上調味汁。
參考: me & book

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