
2012-02-06 9:01 pm
Once again,In bottom of my heart I wanna say Thank you so much for everything you've done and sorry too for those times we can't understand each other especially when it comes im our work. Those couple of weeks and days is not easy for us on how to understand and accept everything that I'm leaving but it doesn't mean I will forget everything and put on the one side only,As you said you're my friend forever and Ill treasured that. Your're my admirer when it comes in work and as a Good leader.
Maybe these couple of days or weeks Im not emotional and Im speechless compare than before beacuse I know how hard for us to leave and gonna miss everything,,
Again, Thank You and I'm Gonna miss you,,mwhahha mhwhhaa

回答 (3)

2012-02-06 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自己
2014-08-10 9:17 pm

2012-02-07 5:22 pm
再一次在底部的我的心如此多的所做的一切,我想說謝謝你和這些時間太抱歉我們不能理解彼此特別是當 im 我們的工作。那些幾個星期和天不容易,我們如何理解和接受我要離開,但這並不意味著我會忘記一切,並把一側,只有你說你永遠是我的朋友和生病的一切珍惜的。你是仰慕我的人,當在工作中,並作為一個好的領導者。也許這些幾天或幾周沒有情感的 Im 和 Im 無語進行比較,比之前是因為知道如何努力為我們離開將會想念一切、、 和再次,謝謝你,我想念你,mwhahha mhwhhaa

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