Would you take a bribe from your dog?

2012-02-06 12:57 am
ok my one and only superbowl related post


Would you take a bribe from your dog? Assuming of course the dog was smart enough to actually think like that.

回答 (8)

2012-02-08 1:33 pm
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LOL Funny advert.

Would i take a bribe? Hmmmmmm........depends what he's offering!
2012-02-10 2:51 am
Nah...I can buy my own Doritos. :o)

This Doritos ad is one of my favorites:

2012-02-10 2:28 am
No, because anything my Dobermann b*tch had to a bribe me with is nothing I'd want to have in exchange for giving a free pass to behave in a way I would as a rule pull her up for.

Tori "Here a nice piece of still steaming horse cr*p"...nudging it forward invitingly with her muzzle. You didn't see nuthin' deal done as she then turns sharply to chase a cat.
2012-02-08 3:34 pm

Do to comedic effect alone, YES I MOST CERTAINLY WOULD.

Too bad they interrupt all the good commercials with that stupid football business :P
2012-02-06 10:30 am
Thats cute ! I bribe my beasts with Bone in Rib eye steaks from work . As far as junk food I LOVE Doritos ! my favorite ! Could they bribe me that's yet to be seen , lol . They are smart enough and and say daddy can you do this for me would you do that for me . I Cant help but laugh at them . So ya they they can bribe me sometimes ( with their love ) .
參考: Big softy
2012-02-06 10:01 am
2012-02-06 8:59 am
I would :P
2012-02-06 8:59 am
TOTALLY......if it was at the right price LOL
參考: Myself as a weirdo! :D

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