How long will I take to die if I hang myself?

2012-02-05 6:16 pm
Would I suffer for long or would it be quick?

回答 (9)

2012-02-05 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not long enough. That's not a snide remark. When you're hanging there and choking you'd wish you didn't do it. And I'm pleading with you if you're serious, DON'T DO IT. It's not worth it. You have a life to live, live it to the fullest. Things do get better, believe it or not.
2016-12-13 12:01 pm
you may suffer when your neck is choked .
2012-02-05 7:50 pm
Don't kill your self! What ever situation you in right now probably seems really ****** up and unfair but things can get better. Remove yourself from the situation and if you can't consult progessional help. I know it a whole lot easier said than done but good things don't come easy. Stay strong.
2012-02-05 6:41 pm
Please don't think of doing it. If you are going through a rough patch just remember that things will get better.
2012-02-05 6:33 pm
most likely long and painful from suffocation and strangulation. do not kill yourself period! please don't. whatever you are going through will pass. things do get better it just takes time. please talk to your doctor and maybe see if there is any medicine to help. suicide is a permanent thing but your problem is only temporary,i promise
2012-02-05 6:25 pm
Please don't
Look on and/or
both run support groups, likely near you
There is a solution to your problems, but suicide is NOT it.
參考: decades of major depression
2012-02-05 6:22 pm
you would suffer for about 5 mins and it will be the worst 5 mins of ur life gasping for air when its so close yet so far. So if ur suicidal I suggest not doing, call a suicide hotline... everyone was sent here to live their life and u should be blessed to have it. Ur not suffering from starvation or dying from disease so ******* be grateful to be healthy. Everyone was meant to do something great so live life to the fullest, talk to a friend talk to ur family, just don't kill urself, think of how it will affect evryone
2012-02-05 6:21 pm
It depends: if your neck snaps, death comes almost immediately, if it doesn't you'll die of a slow strangulation. Oh, and your sphincter muscles will relax...want mom to clean up your crap?
2012-02-05 6:20 pm
Not long but painful. Get sleeping pills. Incidentally it is much more fun to see what life has in store for you. Hey it is true, this too will pass. See you MD for referral.

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