
2012-02-06 6:34 am

句子: the mystery confounds in all contexts:

原文: It’s a question that we have all wondered about at some point. No matter if we are active users, casual dabblers, or outside observers- the mystery confounds in all contexts: why do people smoke cigarettes?

Thank you for yr help.

回答 (3)

2012-02-06 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
the mystery confounds in all contexts : the bottom line truth that we don't understand (still a mystery to us )

It probably refers to somethings said before like smokers come from all walks of life. Well educated people smoke; uneducated people smoke; wealthy people smoke; poor people smoke; people smoke under pressure; people smoke at leisure; men smoke; women smoke; boys smoke; girls smoke etc. There is no clear indication what causes people to smoke. So the author concludes, at the end, we don't know the ultimate truth why people smoke.

2012-02-06 03:22:01 補充:
I think you can literally replace the phrase with this phrase of the same meaning :

the mystery which baffled us in very instance
2012-02-07 4:11 am
"the mystery which baffled us in very instance" is a phrase,
but "the mystery confounds in all contexts" is not .

2012-02-06 20:16:52 補充:
The above should be:
"the mystery which baffled us in every instance" is a phrase,
but "the mystery confounds in all contexts" is not .
The paraphrase of "the mystery confounds in all contexts" should be written as
"the mystery baffles us in every instance".
2012-02-06 6:29 pm
"the mystery confounds in all contexts" 你可解作
The mystery puzzles us in all cases.

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