One night stand係咪即係企足一晚?

2012-02-05 7:54 pm
One night stand係咪即係企足一晚? 點解D人咁鐘意企係到?

回答 (3)

2012-02-05 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One-night stand

One-night stand 意思是:
a performance that lasts only one night祇演一場/晚的表演a romance or sexual relationship that lasts only one night一夜情
兩者的stand都不解企, 而是stop停下來(去表演/攪嘢)的意思。你的想法恐怕想多了!
2012-02-05 10:34 pm
In Cantonese, it would be

一晚貨色 (意帶無須太認真)

2012-02-05 16:14:22 補充:
People "loosely" use one night stand to mean 一夜情 .
For 一夜情, it is better translated as one night romance.
2012-02-05 8:40 pm
One night stand 不是代表企足一晚啊~佢哋只係意鍾玩一夜情啫!

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