England Six Form

2012-02-05 2:55 am
I am now form four in hong kong and going to study six form in england the coming september.
i want to ask that is it hard for me to skip one year and study six form? Moreover, I want to know that if my school does not provide econ to study, and i can only chose business studies, will those top universites not consider my application for admission as i didnt study econ before?

Also, is mathemathics a difficult subject in Alevel exam?Is it possible for a form four girl to handle it?

Lastly,is Chemistry in uk much harder and difficult than in Hong Kong? As I can only get usully 70 % in the exam in Hong Kong..;S But I heard from some of my friends said that chemistry is a very strong subject and useful,isn't it?

Thank you ;)

回答 (1)

2012-02-05 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) i want to ask that is it hard for me to skip one year and study six form?

>>如果你係hk 既成績算係中上, 而本身係英中既話, 咁就應該會冇問題既, 但係去到亦有可能要catch up 一下, 因為2地既syllabus 都會有d 唔同, 唔係話你一去到就咩都識哂又或者係可以好快就駁到上去咁既.

2) and i can only chose business studies, will those top universites not consider my application for admission as i didnt study econ before?

>> 咁就要睇下你大學係想讀咩了, 如果你大學係讀一d 同econ 冇關既野既話, 咁你讀唔讀econ 都冇所謂, 而如果你係想係大學讀econ, 咁有一個econ 既gce 係會比較好既, 但如果你真係冇得揀, business studies 都會ok, 但可能會冇econ 咁好, 一d 好top 既大學可以個機會會冇咁大既.. 同時, top 既大學俾唔俾inverview 你,係depends 你既personal statement 同埋其實成績, 有冇讀econ 呢個係一個因素, 但係, 其實野都係好重要的.

3) Also, is mathemathics a difficult subject in Alevel exam?Is it possible for a form four girl to handle it?

>> 如果係就咁maths 既話, 應該係ok 既, 好多野, 你係hk 都應該有學過, 如transformation, gradients, trigonometry 等等. 但如果係further maths 既話, 對你黎講, 就可以會難少少, 因為入面亦會有dse m1 同m2 既野既.

4) Chemistry in uk much harder and difficult than in Hong Kong?

>> 英國既chem 同hk 既chem 好唔同, 我有睇過佢地2個既syllabus,hk 既chem, 好多都係focus 係d colour change, equation 度等等, 但係英國既chem, 係會有一d theoretical 既野係入面, 而且會involve data analysis 同埋coursework, 同hk 既好唔同既, 如果你大學係想讀econ 既話, 咁有冇chem 都唔重要, 我有好多朋友, 佢地而家係大學讀緊econ 都係冇讀chem 既, 所以唔駛咁擔心, 應該揀一d 係你有信心既科去讀既.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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