
2012-02-04 4:35 am
The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries for UK residents to visit.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.



The charts illustrate the number of travelers visited to and from Britain from 1979 to 1999, and the most famous countries that UK residents would like to visit in 1999.

It is evident from the first chart that those people who visited to and from the UK, has risen from 1979 to 1999. The UK residents who traveled aboard have surges from around 12 millions in 1979 to more than 50 millions in 1999, while the number of residents who visited to Britain have grown steadily from 10 millions in 1979 to 27 millions in 1999.

The most favorite country for british to travel in 1999 was French, which included 11 millions travelers in which was fivefold more than the number of travelers to the least popular country: Turkey. The second favorable country was Spain by having 9 millions visitors. Both of Greece and America had relatively low amount of UK visitors.

In conclusion, it seems that more and more people would like to travel to the other countries.

回答 (2)

2012-02-06 5:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I should not have help you to rewrite the report; so I just give you a few point to consider:

1. In "Visits to and from the UK", the word visit(s) is a noun, meaning 出和入境的數量, in your report

The charts illustrate the number of travelers visited to and from Britain 中 visited to and from並不妥,因為英文詞語/語法中並沒有visit from Britian的,visit to Britian還可以的,不過由於題目用了個詞,你可以維持把它寫成noun而不是verb來保障文法上不會寫錯語法。

The charts illustrated the number of visits to and from Britian from....by travelers.

從例子亦應考慮這report或分析是否應用past tense,尤其是當中的資料都是記錄或已過去的歷史事實。[內容當中有些你用了past tense但有些卻用了resent tense]

例如: [順便提供關於visited的句式用詞的修改]
It is evident from the first chart that people travelling to and from the UK, had risen from 1979 to 1999.

其他的句子我相信你有能力自己改正的了。原則是分析或講述圖表所表達的如果時間是在過去的資料,便應用past tense作句。
2012-02-04 5:24 pm
Tell us what sort of help you want.

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