introduce myself ( 20點 )

2012-02-04 1:25 am
Give me a passage about introduce myself ( 3 mins ) who's ideas are great I will give him 20 points

3 mins

回答 (3)

2012-02-06 1:31 am
Good morning/Good afternoon, My name is and my English name is .I am years old.I live with my parents and my in .
I study in . My favourite subject are because . I hate because . I never fail in any exam. In my free times , I like because .My hobbies are . I like this hobby because and .About my family, there all together people. They are and me .In holiday, we and . I love my family very much. If I can successfully to enter this school , I will do my best !This is the end of my self-interdiction. Thank you for listening to my self-interdiction.

面試時的最好表現 :
1. 與各主考員保持善意的眼神接觸。
2. 對方說話時,適量點頭以示回應。
3. 用適當的聲音回答問題,並盡量保持笑容。
4. 對方用何種語言發問,便用何種語言回答。
5. 若不明白對方的問題,可禮貌地要求重覆,直到自己能
6. 表現大方自然,態度誠懇有禮。

2012-02-05 17:32:11 補充:
面試時的最好表現 是在網上找的
2012-02-05 4:37 am
Good morning/Afternoon~I am (name).Today I'm going to in introduce myself. I am years old.I have_____members in my family.They are _____________and me. I like_______in my spare time. I want to be a when I grow up.Because_____________________________.
My Dad is a (工作)and my Mum is a____________.
In school, My best friend is_____________.We play together every day. I think she/he is very nice and kind. My favourite subject is__________
Because I think it is ___________.I like (teacher)very much. Because she/he is very________
This is the end of my passage.Thank you for listening.

如果覺得太長/短,就講快d/慢d la
參考: 我
2012-02-04 1:35 am
What do you want to talk about? Your school life? Your family? Your friends?
Tell me what you want to talk about and I will help you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 13:58:38
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