to the extent 點解, 點用 ?

2012-02-03 11:42 pm
請問 to the extent 點解, 點用:

1. Current tax for current and prior periods should, to the extent unpaid, be recognised as a liability.

2. Current tax should be recognized as income or an expense and included in the profit or loss for the period, except to the extent that the tax arises from a transaction or event that is recognised other than in the income statement.

另外, 忘記問 : Financial report, 和 Financial reporting, 有何分別 ? report + ing ??

回答 (2)

2012-02-04 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
to the extent : 那一部份,那一範圍。

So 1. means

2 means
我們有些交易不在利潤表 ( income statement)上,那一部份涉及的稅就不需要當作收入 (income) 或支出 (expense) 放在本年度的盈虧 (profit or loss)上。

In many cases, ”to the extent" is implied in Chinese, so there is no need to appear in the translation. I keep them just to show the point. If I omit them, the translation could be even better, more Chinese :-)

2012-02-03 18:26:51 補充:
financial report : 通常是指那個表,財務報告表。
financial reporting : 通常是指財務報告。

2012-02-04 19:18:48 補充:
Better rearrange the first sentence like this ....

2012-02-05 9:16 am
(1) 按仍未支付的額度

(2) 除(XXX)之(稅項)額度外...
XXX = 在損益表以外的交易

(3) report 是份文件
(4) reporting 是會計師等做report (計算/公佈) 那個操作/作業

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