Marriage In The Philippines?

2012-02-03 6:57 am
Is there such thing as common wife in the Philippines? My grandparents was married and after a few years my grandfather found another woman who was working in the casino. My grandpa left my grandma for this new woman. This woman and my grandpa have 5 kids who was using my grandpa's last name. Now my grandpa and my grandma never get divorce and the new woman he is with never got married but their kids is using his last name. Is that legal?

@ Millie really? i thought the wife who has not been married to you would not have any rights to inheritance? How is she going to prove that she is a wife when she doesnt have a marriage certificate? The reason of long time separation would take your rights away as a wife doesnt make any sense.

回答 (6)

2012-02-03 7:35 am
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It is not legal nor blessed, but it is common, because no divorced is allowed in the Philippines which is controlled by the Catholic Church!
2012-02-03 3:08 pm
It is not legal. but its common in the Phils to have another spouse.
2012-02-03 3:29 pm
It is not legal, and in most cases only a marriage that was recognized by the church is legal
2012-02-04 2:08 pm
Their marriage is not legal knowing they have been together but there is no legal separation between your grandparents, although divorce is not legal in Philippines but legal separation has no difference with it, only it takes times before getting approved and legal separation is a bias law, knowing only rich people can afford to do it, because the lowest amount you have to spend is 100,000 pesos.

But if you are asking about the kid bringing the last name of your grandfather, then such is legal and being considered by our community already, because the father itself accept that said child is for him, but the kid is not a legitimate child because his parents didn't have legal documents (marriage certificate) to prove the legality of their marriage.

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參考: Senses Good luck
2012-02-04 9:48 am
The "New wife" is not legal but her children with him can share in the inheritance of the father while the woman gets nothing. They will have to go to court to get it however.
2012-02-03 3:14 pm
In the eyes of the law without the approval of the owners name no but if he's allowing it then it is tolerated and accepted as he is living with them and mutually agreed so you can't do anything about it. It is common practice in the Philippines but if there's an inheritance claim that would create a big big trouble and your separated grandmother will not have any rights at all since they were separated long time ago, whatever fortune he made all these years will go to the new wife not your grandmother.
Only the notary can answer you that, but if your former grandfather will do the procedure for the testament your grandmother might get some favor and he can disinherit her as well as he wishes, if he's been living much longer to the other woman and together they made the fortune your grandmother can't claim nothing as she's not anymore the wife during that time. But if he's a good person as he broke her life by consideration she might get something probably just the house if they have and with the land perhaps 25 %. Inquire to the lawyer. I have the same problem with my father so i was told like this but he's been living with my mother 40 years and the woman is just 10 years and we are grown.Therefore no inheritance for her and her son supposed to be my half a brother, because all what we got was founded during their married life together.

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