For each true statement below, give a proof. For each false statement below, write out its negation and prove?

2012-02-03 3:01 am
For each true statement below, give a proof. For each false statement below, write out
its negation and prove that. In parts (e) and (f), use only the definitions of rational and
you don't have to answer all, just one or 2 is fine
please help me , plz ty!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2012-02-03 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
e. a irrational, a+b rational ==> b is irrational.
Assume b is rational. Then a = (a+b) + (-b) = the sum of two rationals, which must be rational.
But a is irrational, so we have a contradiction. Therefore b mus be irrational.

f. True, but for a strange reason: the premise is false. In logic, A false statement can imply anything. The premise is false by (e) above and the fact that 1 is rational.
Since we've proved the premise is false, we've proved the statement is true.

For the others, maybe you should define the symbols for us.

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