
2012-02-03 12:58 am
老人家歉新造浴室地磚太粗糙,又容易藏污穢,請問各位師兄有甚麼好方法介紹 (又不致於弄得太滑,影响安全)?Thanks.

回答 (6)

2012-02-04 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First you need to clean the surface then recoat it by some epoxide or PU coating . You have to go to some bigger hardware stores , ask for floor coating , either solvent or water types which after drying will form a permanent layer on your tiles . It is very important to first clean the floor first before you do the coating .
2012-02-05 5:49 pm
2012-02-05 4:13 am
要地面不滑,選用表面較粗糙的地磚理所當然. 既然表面粗糙,就難免易藏污垢. 尤其家中有老年人,選用表面粗糙的地磚更是一明智之舉. 魚與熊掌不可兼得, 唯有勤加清潔.
參考: pf的經驗及知識
2012-02-03 8:07 pm
2012-02-03 5:28 pm
多謝閣下之提供。老人家希望睇悌是否有類似地臘或止滑劑這類東西,可以稍為長久性的方法去改善現在的問題。謝 !
2012-02-03 2:02 am
試下用 3M 防滑貼, 看是否有幫助!

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