
2012-02-02 6:56 am
2.hiking trail
3.lookout point
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2012-02-02 7:44 am
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1. adventure 冒險 n.

a. a risky undertaking of unknown outcome
b. an exciting or unexpected event or course of events

造句:The storm made our hike a real adventure.

2. hiking trail 行山路徑 n./ n. phr.

a. a path, track or other route used for walking or jogging.

造句:We went hiking at a new hiking trail yesterday. It was fun.

3. lookout point 瞭望點 n./ n. phr.

a. a place for people to view scenery

造句:The bus stopped by the lookout point for the tourists to take photographs.

4. exhausting 筋疲力盡的 adj.

a. tiring

造句:It is so exhausting to climb up the stairs to the big Buddha at Po Lin Temple.

5. coastline 海岸線 n.

a. the line separating the coast and land

造句:Hong Kong Island has a long coastline with a few good beaches.

6. immediately 立即、馬上、直接地 adv.

a. do things without delay or hesitation

造句: If you want to catch that train we'd better set off for the station immediately.
參考: myself:)
2012-02-02 10:18 am
No offence.

Coastline (noun) - the LAND along a coast, especially when seen from the sea or the air.

immediately (adverb) – do things without delay or hesitation (WRONG)
immediately is not a verb.
immediately = without delay

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