about double salt, FeSO4•(NH4)

2012-02-01 6:50 am
1.Define double salt and a complex (ion). Give an example of each and explain how they differ.

2.the experiment is Standardization of Potassium Permanganate solution.
Why is the double salt of Iron (II) used instead of using iron (II)sulphate?

3.Why must the double salt, FeSO4·(NH4)2SO4·6H2Obe dissolved in sulphuric acid as soon as it is made?

4.If titration is carried out with insufficient acid,expect what you would observe. If it does, whatwould you do?

第二條知道double salt stable 過用 FeSO4
第三條估因為 Fe2+ stable in acidic medium
Fe2+ +2OH- ----> Fe(OH)2 (s)
第4條唔識If it does, what would you do?
Fe(OH)2 (s)有冇得excess acid dissolve?


回答 (1)

2012-02-02 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Double salt - salts contain two or moretypes of cation/anion, which are of regular crystalline arrangement.
E.g. ammoniumiron(II) sulphate (Mohr's salt)
** Note: whendouble salt is dissolved in water, it ionize in the same way that its componentionize separately
**Note:double salts' properties are not the same as the separate salts
e.g. Mohr'ssalt - when ionize, it give Fe 2+, NH4 + and SO4 2- which is as same asionization of FeSO4 and (NH4)2SO4 ; besides, its properties are not same asthat of FeSO4 and (NH4)2SO4

Complex ion - it has a metal ion at its centrewith a number of other molecules/ions(ligands), surrounding it. E.g. [Zn(OH)4]2- , [Cu(EDTA)]2- , etc.

The ligands can be considered bonding to the central ion byco-ordinate(dative) bonds.
(In some cases, the bonding is morecomplicated)

Difference - Asmentioned above, double salts ionize in the same way that its component ionizeseparately; but for complex ions, being in water, they still have a complexstructure, i.e. no change2.Because1) 4Fe 2+ +O2 + (2n+4) H2O <---> 2Fe2O3‧nH2O + 8H+When we areusing Mohr's salt, NH4+ will give out extensive protons, the above equilibrium willshift left. So, it remains at Fe2+ and is more stable.2) Mohr'ssalt's structure: H4N-O-(SO2)-O-Fe-O-(SO2)-O-NH4The valenceelectron of Fe is more likely to lose to the nearby O-atoms than FeSO4 does.So, there is less chance for the Fe in Mohr's salt to lose electron. Thus, itis more stable.Therefore,concentration of solution will be more accurate and there will be less error.Thus, Mohr'ssalt is preferred.
3.I GUESS it is to prevent oxidation in air.The reactivity depends on pH.Fe 2+oxidize in air rapidly only at high pH.So, sulphuric acid can prevents aerial oxidation.

參考: 黑白灰_唯物主義者

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