what do she think

2012-01-31 2:37 pm

她很安靜,不講那麼多,,她總是 微笑.and她是願意幫助別人。我有約會她 名字是kelly


~~~~~Before 約會

ME: i wanna bring u out, do you have time this SAT, I want to go to museum with you.

KELLY: mm I wanna say sure let's go but the weather isn't looking too good for this weekend, and I'm still terribly jetlagged... let's go some other time :)

~~~~~One week later

ME: HI girl , do u have time tomorrow, same thing go to MUSEUM

KELLY:Sure, but only after 2pm since I have to wait to see if one of my textbooks comes...

ME: oh god !!!! i thought i will turned down by u again!!happy^

KELLY: should I :P?

ME: no you should not, i will pick you up that day

~~~~then we go the museum ,she talks nothing but i am talkative and i found some topic to chat. after finishing the museum. . i was on the way to drive her home. and we chat

ME: kelly, do u mind if i am too 主動,
KELLY: it 's ok i think man should 主動,

~~~~~~at the moment just before the leaving my car, i hold her hand, she didnt fight back.
and i say

ME: 我會努力追你
kelly 這是我的榮幸 ( she smile, little shy)

~~~~~she left, at night i call her again

ME: KELLY, i should ask you one question before 追你, do you have a boy friend currently

KELLY: no, i don have

~~~~~~~~then we hung up the phone, and on the next day, i ask her for breakfast and she refuse then we chat online again

ME: haha don worry i wou't ask you out everyday, its just because today is SUNDAY i will ask u again next time and i will work hard to make you become my girlfriend!!!
KELLY: okay:), i just have alot of work today so i don feel like i want to go out

ok, you may think that she also like me , but the fact is, she never calls me, and she never talk to me on msn if i don't talk to her. I ask her out 3 times, 2 times she refuses, the first times because of jetlag the second time because she is busy and one of the main reason that she gave me is she don like to go out. and i know that she like to stay at home. BUT if she like me, she wont refuse. , what is she thinking

回答 (4)

2012-02-03 5:20 am
As she is a very quiet person, i think she may think you are too fast to make her become your girlfriend, and i have one thing to say, she refuses you do not mean that she does not like you so that i think you should change what are you thinking, these are my conclusion: Maybe she is so busy with her homework or revision so that she really does not have time to date, but mainly i think she does not like people to chase her too fast because some girls may think like that and will dislike that people, so i think you should not chase her too fast, you should make she likes you by your caring(P.S not SUPER caring, but at least you should show her that you cares her) to her.

I do not know what exactly that girl is thinking, but i am a girl too, i think she is thinking like that, hope helps ^_^ Although your grammer has some problem but that's ok i get what you means^_^

Remember, do not make everything so quick to happen, you can enjoy the time you try to make her like you. That's better.
2012-02-01 6:10 pm
maybe she is just too shy...or she want you to give her a bit of time for consideration ... but the best way is to ask her weather she likes you or not

hope these can help you and good luck
2012-01-31 6:32 pm
First of all, my impression of you is similar to 001, get your English correct.

For example: I wanna take you out (約會) 不是 bring you out.

I'm not sure you write in English is because you chat on-line/text in English or does it mean She's English speaking?

You're definitely "aggressive" and "expressive", so she understood your intention clearly. Everything you did is OK in pursuing(追) a girl/lady, but try to be sensitive and considerate, such as ask about her working schedule and hobbies to find out the "best time" when she's potentially available instead of just say "I wan't to see you tomorrow/this Sat/Sun". That will be too "dominant"(大男人).

To give you a few overall observations:

1. Quiet girls may enjoy your talking at first, but in her heart her "romance" and "Mr. Right" usually is not about sweet talks, but character (人格) and dependablility (誠信/可靠).
2. Kelly seems to be a practical person: When considering dating, weather and circumstance seems to outweigh the person (you) or the event (museum...or where to go) You should try to get her to tell you what she like to do (not directly ask) and try to "find" or "pick" the similar/favorable program/event to enjoy with her.
3. Instead of chat on-line telling her what you're to do or want to do to win her heart over, consider to greet her "good night" "sweet dreams" without saying "I am thinking of you" or "Do you think about me all the time?", just a good wish message. I think will work better than telling her that you want her all the time.
4. Final comment: Letting the world know her name is Kelly is not good if I were her seeing this. This action shows you're preoccupied with your own "wants" and less care about her feelings).

Good luck and enjoy your first Valentine's Day together this year.
2012-01-31 4:15 pm
what (does) she think? 記住唔好一錯再錯﹗

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