Good Songs After Ending A Friendship?

2012-01-31 1:29 am
I just ended my friendship with my best friend. Any songs to get me through it? They can be really, really sad.

回答 (4)

2012-01-31 1:31 am
Friendships don't end they just change! So if this truly was your best friend then why was it necessary to end it?
2012-01-31 1:40 am
Anything by Jaymay is great for me for pretty much everything. I'd recommend Rock Scissors Paper, One May Die So Lonely, Never Be Daunted, and Long Walk to Never. Gray or Blue is good too, but the studio version isn't as good as this live one:
2012-01-31 1:34 am
Thomas Klotz - Kiss The Air
2012-01-31 1:32 am

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