Predicting rate law for overall reaction?

2012-01-30 9:25 pm
Given the following proposed mechanism, predict the rate law for the overall reaction.

2NO2 + Cl2--->2NO2Cl

NO2 + Cl2--->NO2Cl+Cl ....slow

* I know that the slow reaction controls the rate, and are the ones that have to be used in the rate law expression but how?

The answer is [NO2][Cl2] but i don't know how

回答 (2)

2012-02-02 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
As you already mentioned the slowest step of a reaction determines rate. In your case it is the first reaction. NO₂ and Cl₂ are reduced By -k [NO₂][Cl₂] and NO₂Cl is build according k[NO₂][Cl[₂] and this is the rate equation!
2016-05-17 3:43 am
you need to do your own home work...

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