
2012-01-30 7:45 am


17. Taipei's MRT Neihu Line, ( ) the eastern district of Neihu to the rest of the city, will begin operation on July 4.

1. link 2.links 3. linking 4. linked

此題的正解為3,小第想問的是這是用了分詞構句的觀念嗎? 但問題是說捷運內湖線,用了linking 不就變成主動的觀念,可是內湖線是沒生命的,怎用主動觀念呢?

29. The General sherman Tree, the largest of all the giant sequoias, ( ) to be the world's largest living thing.
1. is reputed 2. reputed 3. are reputed 4. being reputed



28 The pilot, ( ) at the air force base, said that he was not given orders to fight.
1. while being interviewed 2. while interviewing 3. when to interview 4. when he interviewed

此題正解為1 ,但小第不解? 而這句話小第也不知怎翻譯

25. Vitamin D is proven to be necessary for the prevention and ( ) of osteoarthritis.
1. it cures 2. to cure 3. cure 4. cured
這題小第選了4.小第有查到cure這個單字除了當作動詞外,也可當名詞,但小第想如果這個 cure這個單字只能當動詞時,是否就該選4,因為and後這個空格要填入名詞。

26 ( ) in the car accident was a real miracle.
1. That the man survived 2. The man survived
這題小第選了2,但正解為1 ,小第也不了解為何?

回答 (5)

2012-01-30 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
After I have read your questions in 17, 28, and 29, I see that you have committed a fatal mistake in answering these questions, i.e.:

When you determine to use passive or active tense, you place YOURSELF in your consideration.

This is why you confuse yourself whether to use passive or active tense. The right way to do it is to strictly focus on the SUBJECT in the sentence. Now let us go back to your questions:

In the question, the subject is "Taipei's MRT Neihu Line", it links "the eastern district of Neihu to the rest of the city,", NOT you and anybody else. Therefore, you choose "linking". If it is done by you, yes, you will use "linked" but the sentence itself needs to be restructured.

In this question, the subject is "The General sherman Tree", however the title "the world's largest living thing" is not done by the subject, but by us, human being. Also, this sentence has no verb, therefore you use passive tense: is reputed. You cannot use:

(2) reputed: because it is still true at the present time.
(3) are reputed: because "tree" here is a collective noun and it is in singular.
(4) being reputed: because this sentence has no verb.

In this question, the subject is "The pilot". The "interview" is done by someone, not pilot. Therefore, you need to look for a passive tense:
(1) while being interviewed: it uses a Ving phrase to create a passive
tense. (correct), translated as "當被約談时"
(2) while interviewing: it is an active tense (incorrect),
(3) when to interview: it also implies active tense (incorrect)
(4) when he interviewed: it is an active tense (incorrect) clause, but if you
change to "when he was interviewed" then it is correct

"prevention" is a noun, and it follows with "and", so you need to look for another noun "cure" to balance both sides of "and".

I would choose "the man survived". If "that the man survived" is written as "the man that survived", then it will be correct also.

2012-01-30 01:06:30 補充:
There shall be more words before "that the man survived", to write like that is very weird.

2012-01-30 01:29:25 補充:
I am not able to type inChinese, and can only use all English explanation. Hopefully, you can understand it.

2012-01-30 01:30:18 補充:
The answer was in 3 different colors, but I don't know why, now, it is all in black.
參考: self
2012-02-03 3:56 pm
A miracle refers to the event; not the man.
2012-01-31 1:07 am
2012-01-30 7:20 pm




25.維生素 D被證明是必要的預防和骨關節炎()。

2012-01-30 11:12 am
17. Taipei's MRT NeihuLine, ( ) the eastern district of Neihu to the rest of the city, willbegin operation on July 4.
1. link 2.links 3. linking 4.linked

正解為3,因為:這句原本是: Taipei’s MRT Neihu Line, which linksthe eastern district of Neihu to the rest of the city, will begin operation onJuly 4. 省略掉關係代名詞which時,關係子句的動詞改成Ving。主動概念不是以有無生命來定,而是以該名詞具有影響性或被影響性而定。 比如:The movie made everybody happy. 電影雖然無生命,但它造成某種影響性,就該用主動。 29. The General ShermanTree, the largest of all the giant sequoias, ( ) to be the world'slargest living thing.
1. is reputed 2. reputed 3. arereputed 4. being reputed

正解為1,因為:TheGeneral Sherman Tree和the largest of all thegiant sequoias為同位語,指同一主詞且為單數,所以共用同一個動詞is。 第29題用分詞構句來寫的話,就是The Gerneral ShermanTree, being the largest of all the giant sequoias, is reputed the world’slargest living thing.

28 The pilot, ( ) at the air force base, said that he was not given ordersto fight.
1. while being interviewed 2. whileinterviewing 3. when to interview 4. when he interviewed


正解為1 ,因為:此句變化如下:Whilehe was being interviewed at the air force base, the pilot said that he was not givenorders to fight.à The pilot, while he was beinginterviewed at the air force base, said that he was not given orders to fight.à The pilot, while being interviewedat the air force base, said that he was not given orders to fight.
25.Vitamin D is proven to be necessary for the prevention and ( )of osteoarthritis.
1. it cures 2. to cure 3.cure 4. cured

正解為3,因為:以and 連接的字詞性必需相同,prevention是名詞,所以and 後面也要放名詞cure,解釋為療法。
26( ) in the car accident was a real miracle.
1. That the man survived 2. The mansurvived

正解為1 ,因為:That在這裡當連接詞,引導名詞子詞the man sruvived,整句的主詞為The theman survived指整件事(那人存活), was為動詞,a real miracle修飾那件事是奇蹟。
參考: 自己

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