cadet pilot一定要讀physics?

2012-01-28 8:11 pm
I am quite confused about the requirements of joining the CX cadet pilot programme, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice:)

1) I've read through all the introduction and requirements in the Cathay Pacific website, and it said that it is NECESSARY for applicants to study Physics in secondary school. However, I'm already studying form 4 and I didn't choose this subject! Also, the comments of people varies, some say it's a must and some say it's not. Can anybody give me a definite answer?><

2) Is there any advantage in finishing university first?

Thanks a lot!:D

回答 (3)

2012-02-06 6:53 pm
You need to learn physic in order to calculate how many fuel need to use
per trip. Also you need to know count how much force act on the plane during a flight, air pressure inside and outside the plane, and the power(work) per engine.

You need to learn college-level physic and calculus.

After you finished university, you can pass their exams easier because you had learn all the things that your company required
參考: 憂
2012-01-29 5:19 am
(1) trust the official requirements. however, u can try too

(2) better finish uni first as success in the application is not definite. understand?
2012-01-29 3:44 am



物理學的論題涵蓋了廣泛的自然現象,從微乎其微的基本粒子(像夸克,微中子,電子)到龐大無比的超星系團。在物理學裏,很多千變萬化、無奇不有的現象,都可以用更簡單的的現象來做合理的描述與解釋。物理學致力於追根究底,發掘可觀測現象的根本原因,並且試圖尋覓這些原因的任何連結關係。物理學是一門基礎科學(fundamental science),研究主宰這些自然現象的基本定律是個很重要的目標。許多其它學術領域,像化學、生物學,地質學,工程學等等,所涉及的物質系統都遵守物理定律。

舉例而言,古希臘人知道像琥珀一類的物質,當與毛皮磨擦時,會出現吸引力,使得這兩種磨擦物互相吸引。這性質後來稱為電性。在十七世紀,學者開始慎密地研查這性質。古中國人觀測到某些石頭(磁石),會通過某種看不見的作用力互相吸引。這性質後來稱為磁性。也是在十七世紀,學者開始嚴格地窮究。經過燃膏繼晷、廢寢忘食的努力,物理學者終於明白了這兩種自然現象的基本原因——電和磁。但是,在二十世紀,經過更高深的研究,物理學者發現這兩種作用力是電磁力的兩個不同方面。今天,這統一各種各樣作用力的程序仍舊方興未艾,物理學者認為電磁力和弱核力是電弱作用(electroweak interaction)的兩個不同方面。物理學者的終極目標是找到一個完美的萬有理論,能夠解釋大自然的一切本質。

Various examples of physical phenomena

The basic domains of physics

The distinction between Mathematics and Physics is clear-cut, but not always obvious, especially in Mathematical Physics.

Archimedes' screw, a simple machinefor lifting.

Physics involves modeling the natural world with theory, usually quantitative. Here, the path of a particle is modeled with the mathematics of calculus to explain its behavior: the purview of the branch of physics known as mechanics.
參考: What is Physics?

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