英文文法 be opposed to

2012-01-28 5:47 pm
Cloning is now be opposed to by humanitarians for ethical reasons.

為什麼is 後面有 be opposed to 然後後面又加by

回答 (4)

2012-01-28 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cloning is opposed to by humanitarians for ethical reasons.

加 being 可以強調 "正在發生"
Cloning is now being opposed to by Humanitarians for ethical reasons.

因為是被動 所以加 by

Humanitarians now oppose cloning for ethical reasons.
Humanitarians are now opposing cloning for ethical reasons.
Humanitarians are now opposed to cloning for ethical reasons.

2012-01-28 16:27:03 補充:
⇧⇧⇧Cloning is now to be opposed by humanitarians for ethical reasons.⇧⇧⇧ 的意思:

複製人目前因為 倫理道德問題, 將要受到人道主義人士的反對

⇧⇧反對尚未開始, 仍在籌備中?⇧⇧

2012-01-28 16:55:34 補充:
Hopefully, this explanation can give you an idea why I think this sentence has

1) a mistake 2) mistakes

As Sherlock would say, "Elementary! My dear Watson.
參考: Dwight Howard →→ Lakers
2012-01-28 10:56 pm

Sentence should be written as:

Cloning is now to be opposed by humanitarians for ethical reasons.
where "to be opposed by humanitarians for ethical reasons" is an infinitive phrase (不定詞片語) and used as an adjective to describe "cloning".

Hopefully, this explanation can give you an idea why I think this sentence has mistake in it.
參考: self
2012-01-28 6:42 pm
Cloning is now be opposed to by humanitarians for ethical reasons.
去掉by 好像應翻譯為,複製人因為倫理道德而反對人道主義.
Cloning is for ethical reasons now and is opposed to humanitarians.
2012-01-28 6:32 pm
is be 和by

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