how do i join the soccer team in my college? and is it hard to get in?

2012-01-28 1:58 am
i am graduating from highschool this month, i am entering community college in february 2012.
i wanna join my college's soccer team, but the thing is that i dont know much about college soccer at all... the school didnt mention any try-out, so i dont know how to join it..

anybody knows when the the soccer season begin? becaz i know highschool soccer season start in fall and end in i think october,november.. so does it mean that i need to wait until after summer? there are people saying that you have to play soccer in highschool in order to play in college, is that true? i didnt join the soccer team in highschool throughout these years, i was very regretful and dont wanna miss it again..

hope somebody can tell me, thanks

回答 (2)

2012-01-30 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The college may or may not have a good team. So it might be really easy. It can also be a NJCAA team or a club team. I would start by emailing the coach and asking if you can come in to talk to him or her. The best way to get information about any team is by talking to the coach. A college coach isn't going to blow smoke up your a** either, you'll be able to get the information you need if you take good questions with you.
2012-01-29 1:19 am
Community college soccer is not much of a challenge to get in to. For community college, women's tryouts are usually in early August. So, yes, you do have to wait till after summer. But this can be a good team, if you think it will be a challenge for you to get on the team, use the time to practice and get in shape!

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