why is english important to me

2012-01-28 2:07 am
why is english important to me?

回答 (4)

2012-01-28 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
English is becoming most important because

1. english is the international language, whereever we go to Western country (or maybe other Asian country as well), we can have good communication with others.

2. Assume you want to work in a very large scale of international company, having good English knowledge is a advantage compare to the non-english specker.

3. have more choices to find a good job (such as higher wages)

4. Even, if you want to have a western boyfriend/girlfriend

5. improve friendship

6. enhance confidence

參考: hope i can help u!!!!
2012-02-02 1:21 am
dgbsdf jsg nfdjbfdngvfbfdgzdih gihog odhgddgnd nbmhbdif gdih9hgbp9udx9yfdn0b duzbougvydmgfshzeyhf,s egybf......................................................................................................

2012-02-01 17:21:53 補充:

2012-02-01 17:23:09 補充:
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy iiiiisssssssss cchhhhhhiiiiiiinessssssssseeeeeeeeee important ttttttttttoooooooooo mmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee
2012-02-01 2:22 am
why is english important to me ?
It is official language in many country .
2012-01-28 4:17 am
This is a very personal question. Any reason import to me may not be important to you. Beside, English may become less and less important when China gets stronger and stronger. One day, someone may ask, "Why Chinese is important to me ?"

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