
2012-01-27 11:14 pm

回答 (4)

2012-01-28 1:04 am
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The English proverb "Dogs of the same street bark alike" which means "people of the same background have the same behaviour."

2012-01-28 06:22:46 補充:
∫「一支竹打沉一船人」意思是不分青紅皂白,用同一看法看一班人、對待一班人, 亦即樓上朋友說的generalise概括而論忽畧個別不同之處。
"Dog of the same street bark alike."有這個意思,但是一種說法而非「一支竹打沉一船人」的做法。
樓下朋友引用的idiom改為"to tar the whole group of people with the same brush"(active voice)就更好了。

2012-01-28 10:10:29 補充:
說一個人「一支竹打沉一船人」, 可對他說:"you tar them all with the same brush" 或 " you think that dogs of the same street bark alike", 同樣是說出他的偏見。
「一支竹打沉一船人」- use the same bamboo stick to defeat everyone in the boat
「一竹篙打盡一船人」- use one single bamboo cane to beat everyone in the boat

2012-01-28 10:21:58 補充:
2012-01-28 4:52 am
An attempt to ans.:-
Idiom for generalization,
He insists on acting arbitrarily,disregards of other people's advice.
=one person alone has the say
=must bear the consequences od his own acts
=He monopolizes all the important affairs in the "boat".
=get something done once and for all(to a problem)
=finishing people off with a single blow (on the boat)
=The stubborn person won't listen to anybody else's advice
For the Idiom generalization:-
=must not generalize about something
=Every country has specific conditions,and it would be wrong to treat citizens all alike.

2012-01-28 17:04:43 補充:
When you have a general statement that is based on only a few facts or examples,you say:-Don't make a speech of sweeping generalisations.

2012-01-28 17:41:53 補充:
Don't regard the part as the whole;be lopsided;Avoid a one-sided approach and look at problems all-sidedly.:-Don't make a speech of (broad) generalization about all passengers (aboard) on an issue.
2012-01-28 3:33 am
Are“一支竹打沉一船人” and “一竹篙打盡一船人” the same ? If so, idiom "tarred with the same brush" is what you are looking for. For example :

It is not fair they are all tarred with same brush.

2012-01-28 12:16 am
英文可以叫做 generalization / generalize


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