
2012-01-26 11:36 am
(1) 請問個男人和個女仔回港後算唔算係合法夫妻?
(2) 個男人真係同個女仔結左緍,咁回香港後,個男人同個女仔發生性行為,又會否被控告與16歲以下少女發生性行為呢?
(3) 還有一個題外話, 若有一個國家合法性交年齡是15歲,請問若一個香港男人在香港以外和一個15歲女仔在雙方自願的情況下發生性行為,回港後又會否被指觸犯香港法例呢?


(1) 點解香港唔承認海外註冊的緍姻呢? 我都見有好多明星和明人在外國例如拉斯維加斯註冊ga?如果唔承認,咁佢地咪要回香港再註冊過? (2) 仲有,我聽人地講過,就算個女仔夠16歲,但未夠18歲的話,在未得佢父母或監護人同意下與她發生雙方願意的性行為都好似係犯香港法例的? 是嗎? 請指教?


(3) 仲有,我想問香港法例好似話為了保護d智障人士,就算佢地夠18歲,都唔可以與她發生雙方自願的性行為,對嗎? 咁佢地係咪一世都唔可以結緍law? 若可以與她結緍的話,能否與她發生雙方自願的性行為呢? 請指教,謝謝!


(4)對於(2),為什麼夠16歲,但未夠18歲,在未得個女仔父母同意下發生性行為都算犯法呢?我有d唔明? (5)對於(3),sorry! 我不太明白你的解釋,咁即係正常人士可否同智障人士結緍和結緍後發生性行為呢? (6)仲有,若有一個18歲或以上的女朋友,未結婚,雙方又自願發生性行為,咁個男仔點保障自己萬一分手後,不會被個女仔因報復而要脅話個男仔強姦佢呢? 同一問題,若召妓後,又如何保障自己不會反被屈強姦個女仔呢? 我想知一d法律上的觀點,請指教,謝謝!

回答 (1)

2012-01-26 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. No. Basically, your question is simple - Hong Kong will not recognize any marriage that does not comfort Hong Kong Ordinance (like same-sex marriage).

So even it is legal in that country, Hong Kong has no obligation to recognize.

2. Yes. Statutory rape is a strict liability criminal offense. Regardless of the motive, as soon as it is done, it is illegal, not even marriage when it is not recognized.

3. No - Hong Kong does not have overseas jurisdiction.

2012-01-27 01:42:45 補充:
1. Read again what I said - I did not say it is not recognized. I am saying if the marriage itself is in conflict of Hong Kong Ordinance, then it will not be recognized.

2012-01-27 01:45:07 補充:
2. Yes - in theory.

2012-01-27 01:48:12 補充:
3. It will be fine. Usually, people who have mental disability will not stand trial due to incompetency.

Also - the legal guardian, in theory, have to consent for it.

2012-01-28 01:56:32 補充:
4. Everyone under 18 is minor - so they do not have the right to consent.

That's why they need parents' approval. Or otherwise, statutory rape.

5. Yes - as soon as the legal guardian consent for it.

2012-01-28 01:58:04 補充:
6. Rape is a form of sexual assault. In other word, there will be evidence suggesting violence.

If it is consensual sex, there should be no violence involved.

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