What were your favorite years of lindsay lohan?

2012-01-25 1:10 am
Since im a big lohan fan i liked the 2003-2004 era, and also the 2006-2007 when she was running around with brit and paris! What about you? Or if you even like her to begin with?

回答 (2)

2012-01-25 1:39 am
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I love Lindsay so much, she's my role model since 2003. Hope she can put her life back on track, she's talented, she's pretty and i'm sure that if her family was more supportive and her dad was not such a bastard, she would not have get into all of this trouble. People think she's a slut because of her past, and i wanna tell those folks that she started a new life.
2012-01-25 10:50 am
after watchin mean girl, i fell in love with her
i think she was doing better from 2003- 2007

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