
2012-01-23 7:37 pm
=The 65% would be from an average ofthe marks you receive in Accounting, Economics and Mathematics.


還是3科每科都要65%? 求認真詳解

回答 (5)

2012-01-23 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

65% would be from the average
65% 來自平均分;
average of the marks received in Accounting, Economics and Mathematics.

(總分的) 65% 是來自你在會計,經濟和數學三科的平均分。

2012-01-24 16:49:08 補充:
Mathematically speaking, they are the same

(A+B+C)/3 * 65% = (65%A + 65%B + 65%C)/3

But the sentence itself means the left hand side of the equation.
2012-01-25 12:11 pm
All the answers so far give correct explanations of the meaning of the sentence :
65% 來自你在會計﹐經濟和數學科分數的平均分,至於其餘35%則可能來自其它科目
這個70分佔了整體的65% …其餘的35%,會是其他要求,例如:別的科目分數、課外活動、其他個人才能、服務經驗.......等
- enough information for the host to understand the sentence now.
2012-01-25 8:24 am
(Accounting, Economics and Mathematics這三科的分數加埋.)除3 = 它們的總平均分
例:(Acct 70分 + Econ 80分 + Maths 60分) ÷ 3 = 70分總平均分

這個70分佔了整體的65% …其餘的35%,會是其他要求,例如:別的科目分數、課外活動、其他個人才能、服務經驗.......等

2012-01-25 00:31:21 補充:
你問的題目,是否與入學或選科要求、成績表....有關? 如果是,我十分肯定我的答案是正確。
2012-01-24 10:02 am
Acct ,Econ, Math=65%
Others =35%
Total =100%
2012-01-23 7:58 pm
The 65% would be from an average of the marks you receive in Accounting, Economics and Mathematics.

65% 來自你在會計﹐經濟和數學科分數的平均分


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