how to inprove me exam marks

2012-01-20 11:12 pm
my mxam marks is bad ,how can i improve my chinese,english,maths and G.E.???
I am a P.6 girl,i need to choose a good school

my exam is on 5/3/12-9/3/12

回答 (5)

2012-01-21 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
For Chinese:

For English:
一般句子結構、用法可多看英文電視/movie (最好睇英文字幕) 同聽多啲英文歌 (睇歌詞); 學vocabularies 可以睇字典。也是平日多看書/文章/報紙等

For Maths:
不停重覆做練習, 人做10條你做30條...我以前maths只是一般, 之後日日做練習, 最後maths係全班最高分

2012-01-20 16:09:32 補充:
難得你禁細個就禁主動好學求進步, 好乖呀!! 加油!! 問下你父母可唔可以請個補習老師!!
或者English 同 Maths 你唔明可以 email 我: [email protected]
2012-01-23 2:02 pm
No offence to anyone.
my mxam (typo error) marks is bad. ~ wrong
錯在exam marks 是 plural subject, verb應該用 are.
adjective無用錯, 可以用 bad, poor, low

My exam marks are bad. This sentence is perfectly correct.
2012-01-21 4:59 pm
(1)Errors&corrections:My exam marks are low,how can I improve my Chi,Eng,Maths,&G.E.?
(2)Whether Chi,Eng,gm,Maths or G.E.,just practise everyday.reading----writing,
(3)Chinese:- Reading,Essays,Newspapers.
(4)Eng:-sentence structures, watch TV,+ Eng subtitles, Vocab. Reading, Essays, Newspapers.
(5)Maths:- Practice makes perfect.
Work on exercises
Learn Hints for p6 exams. in Maths.
Ask your teachers.
參考: self
2012-01-21 4:01 am
1 correction :My exam marks are low/exam results are bad, how can I improve my Chinese, English, Maths and G.E academic results.
I am a P.6 girl who need to enter a good school→you can choose a school, and any school can choose whether accept your apply or not, too.
2 No matter Chinese, English, Maths or G.E, just practise more daily.
English: grammar exercises
Maths: just practise until you believe you can get a good result...
G.E=中文,read more newspapers and think more
in general, just prepare well, and feel free in exam, instead of being nervous
2012-01-20 11:34 pm
當然越小組越好, 甚至單對單補習, 重點溫習
你自己也要負起努力讀書的責任, 讀書好靠自己的吸收

另外, 你的英文水準的確要加強改進
要用 my exam results, 唔係用me, 呢個應該係小三既英文.
exam marks 唔係poor, 係low.
係 i want to study in a good school.

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