
2012-01-20 9:19 pm
我最近識左個女仔..樣子ok..岩岩同佢條仔分左..我就同左佢一齊.但系我同佢出街..我都好shy...所以佢成日話好悶- -我地岩岩開始.我唔想咁快分..有冇人可以教下我點做...唔令佢咁悶...

回答 (4)

2012-01-21 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實我認為你應該跟她去一些不是只是談天的地方, 例如做運動或看戲,先讓她不會覺得跟你在一起很悶(很多時候分手的原因也是因為一方覺得悶),順便了解她的興趣,初期避免去那些重點是談天的地方,例如cafe,這些地方之後去也不遲阿。 :)希望能幫到你
2012-01-21 9:06 am
2012-01-20 10:42 pm
the first thing is, why does she go out with you? is it just because she wants to have a boyfriend? i am asking this because i don't think anyone can recover from the last relationship so fast and start dating another person so soon. before you two go dating, she should have know that you are shy sometimes. if she really loves you, she should tolerate you personality. i don't actually think it is your problem. if she wants to talk, she can start a topic to chat but not complain.
but of course, if you want to change your shyness, i guess you can talk to her about her daily life, like what she is doing recently, any special things happen, etc. or you can tell her things happen around you, better if they are funny so the conversation will be happier. if you don't have courage to start a topic suddenly, take her to a movie, and after the movie ask her about her thinking and feelings towards the movie. then you relate things she said to different topics. so the outcome will be you have a lot to talk about but you don't have enough time.^^
i hope this can help, but i really think you should figure out why you two are together.
2012-01-20 9:55 pm

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