Do You Agree, Teen Won't Face Charges for Stabbing Bully to Death?

2012-01-19 3:52 pm
Over in Flordia, a 14-year-old boy was being harassed by a 16-year-old.

The 16-year-old wanted to fight him but the kid didn't want to. He got off the bus a couple of stops early to avoid the conflict, but he was followed off of the bus and egged on.

He was punched in the back of the head, and he took out a pocket-knife and stabbed the older boy 12 times killing him.

It was recently revealed he will not face any charges because of Florida's Stand Your Ground Law, which says that you are entitled to use whatever means necessary if you feel your life is in danger.

回答 (16)

2012-01-19 3:59 pm
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Self defense gets many people off the hook for murder. And so long as it is deemed that this kid was in danger and felt he needed to defend himself, i see nothing wrong with it.
I imagine the constant harassment and threats were the reason he carried the knife. My son is 14 and weighs about 95 lbs, at 5'4", my nephew at 16 was 6'2" and 185lbs. I wouldn't want to rely on my fists if i was threatened by a person with that age difference, and possible size diffrence either.

think of it this way, this bully could have landed 1 good punch on that kid, his head could have smacked the ground and the kid could have died, just as easily. That kid was saving his own life.
2012-01-19 3:54 pm
12 times is definitely not self defence lol but if it was like 2 or 3 times I think it would have been okay if he got off...
2012-01-19 3:54 pm
Good for him!! Being punched in the head is potentially life threatening and he acted in self-defense, besides which there is a great disparity of force between the older attacker and the younger boy.
2012-01-19 3:55 pm
I would say that l's justifiable, but something is sketchy about a kid who carries a pocket knife on him at school. Also, he stabbed him 12 times??? That's psyco stuff right there.. Couldnt he have just cut him or something?
2012-01-19 4:13 pm
I don't think that the kid should go to prison, it sounds like he really was defending himself but it also sounds like he needs some therapy. For a kid to has the potential to stab another kid 12 times because the other kid was an a**hole to him, someone needs to make sure that he isn't going to do the same thing to a rude waitress or something like that. It is a felony in itself for a kid to posses a weapon on campus anyway although it sounds like he really was carrying it for protection since the bullying was ongoing. In any case the kid has suffered a trauma - he killed someone and I think someone needs to make sure that he understands the gravity of the situation - justifed or not.
2012-01-19 4:08 pm
I find this story very troubling. Where was the help this child needed to protect him from this bully? Where was anyone to stop this bully? Now one child is dead, and the other will have to live with the fact that he killed another human being for the rest of his life. The dynamics surrounding this situation confound me. I don't think the child should be charged. I am sure what he did happened out of self preservation. How many times can you be beaten before you fight back? It's similar to battered wife syndrome wherein the woman finally has enough and kills her batterer. It literally breaks my heart to think of anyone having to deal with physical abuse every day of their life. I can't judge this child for wanting it to end. May God forgive him.
2012-01-20 1:11 am
Agree. Sounds like the bully was starting to assault him severely.
2012-01-19 5:36 pm
12 times is alil rough...maybe 1-2 but 12 damn...u would think the bully wouldve got the point the 1st stab....sounds like the 14yr old had a breakin point..but overall ya i thimk he should get time...i got picked on horrible and had to fight bullys and sometime got my *** whooped but never killed them even though i wanted too
2012-01-19 4:07 pm
Wow so sad for every one.

Do I think the bully was wrong - oh yes!
Do I think the boy need to defend himself - Oh yes

The question is at what degree. 12 times is a lot of times to stab someone. I really don't think he should face murder but he did cause the death of someone no matter how harassed so perhaps another lesser charge. Manslaughter ?

Oh god & therapy!
2012-01-19 4:25 pm
I wasnt there, so I cant say if it was "justified" or not, but I wouldn't call 12 stabs for a whack to the back of the head self defense. Maybe if he stabbed him once and then tried to get away, but stabbing a guy 12 times is something motivated by more then just fear, he wanted the other boy dead. It says that the other boy threatened him, but threatened to do what, kill him or just beat him up, did he really feel as if his life was in danger or was he just tired of being a punching bag and wanted it to stop when no one would help him? He killed a boy, I dont care if the boy was a bully, beating up someone who bullied you, okay, Ill accept that, killing them, not okay, that boy didnt deserve to die. Bringing the knife to school in the first place shows that he had some idea of what he was going to do that day. Its not that I dont feel sympathy for the 14 year old, I do, the same kind of sympathy that I feel for the kid who gets picked on every single day and no one does anything unless he brings a gun to school and shoots the bully, do I think its right to do that, no, its a tragedy, but I feel bad that the kid was pushed so far that he believed that thats was what he had to do and no one stepped in beforehand. Do I think the 14 year old should go to prison? No, I dont think much good would come from that but an angrier kid. Do I think he needs some sort of consequence for his actions? Yes, he also needs a whole lot of therapy.

Georgia- you can state your opinion without using racial slurs. why are people thumbing that guy up?

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