can i decorate my school bag?

2012-01-19 1:20 am
i didn't buy the school bag from's just a plain black bag and i want to add something to u think i'm allow to?
if so, what should i put on?

can anyone give me some more ideas?

回答 (4)

2012-01-19 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
I mean, it would be appropriate. Unless you have a strict school. Add a flower. Something you like. As in hobbies, interests, favorites, etc. It will be really cool. I'm telling you. It will be.
2012-01-19 1:28 am
You should look around at other people's bags. If they have their own personal things on it, go for it. If not, maybe ask a teacher or someone at the school.
2012-01-19 1:22 am
Go to Joanns and get a iron on patch. I had a rhinestone one.
2016-10-19 1:01 am
there are various approaches to characteristic a splash form on your bag. At your close by fabric or craft keep you could usually locate iron on monograms that are uncomplicated to word. in addition they have little iron on crystals in all colorations which will nicely be utilized with a warmth gadget or iron. take a glance on the trims and ribbon interior the domicile decor branch. in case you do not stitch you ought to use fabric glue to attach the trim. wish this facilitates!

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