R&S - A brief question on tolerance?

2012-01-18 7:11 pm
I heard someone the other day say "Tolerance is the final virtue of a depraved society".

The implication being that in a depraved society, all things are permissible except non-permission of things. People are free to engage in whatever hedonistic they choose and the only people who are persecuted are those who don't accept it.

The statement was used to indicate the state of our own society, that those preaching tolerance (on subjects like gay marriage) simply wish for our society to be as depraved as possible, so that they can do whatever heinous acts they choose without fear of repercussion.

I see this as spiteful vitriol, an attempt at creating a slippery-slope argument, but what do you think? Is our society depraved? Are those who preach tolerance simply doing so for their own ulterior motives?

Indeed, the Greeks, with their myriad gods and wisdom filled teachings. Small wonder that they've elevated themselves to the great empire that they've become.

回答 (10)

2012-01-18 7:14 pm
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Yes, they're doing it for their own motives.

You've noticed, I assume, that the ones saying such things also demand you be "tolerant" of their wacky ideas and claims? Hmm?


2012-01-18 7:14 pm
It's all a matter of perception. Some people aren't comfortable with choices of other consenting adults. I think those people should live somewhere that doesn't attempt to guarantee equal rights for everyone.

Private decisions of consenting adults do not infringe on the rights of others. It only infringes on their morality which was dictated to them.
2012-01-18 7:13 pm
You will note that the most vocal advocates of "tolerance" are usually very intolerant of views contrary to their own. Tolerance in this context is defined quite well by what "someone" said.
2012-01-18 7:22 pm
Tolerance is the way that blacks, whites, asians, latinos, etc. can live together,

Tolerance is also the way that groups like the Nazi party can come to power.

Tolerance is good provided the group being tolerated does not do harm to the society. The trick is deciding which are benign and just part of the variety of life and which are trying to subvert the society to their own agenda.

It sounds like this person is trying to justify their bigotry.
2012-01-18 7:13 pm
The ancient greeks said. 'Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying civilisation.'

Those guys werent stupid so I trust them,
2012-01-18 8:24 pm
From what historical documents are we able to determine that the majority of cultures have successfully accepted homosexuality as being normal? None. Tolerance is one of those terms which must be very carefully defined so that all parties involved know exactly what is meant. I may understand what the gay rights agenda is attempting to do, but I do not accept it nor can I tolerate it.

There is nothing spiteful nor vitriolic about it. It is a statement of fact. The Romans were great until they began to tolerate depravity in their society. Their empire rotted from the inside out. Great Britian had a great empire spanning the globe, but depravity in society forced it to crumble into nothing. America has been a "superpower" for several decades and now it is falling apart due to tolerating depravity within its society. By accepting and promoting pornography, homosexuality, drug addiction, juvenile delinquincy, and other things, American society is reaching the point where it will simply fall apart. There is nothing left with which to hold it together. Morality has been thrown under the bus, ethics have been thrown out of the plane, and our children's innocence has been gutted and corrupted by an uncaring and/or mislead adult population. The holy dollar reigns supreme above all other things, it is believed that it can solve any and all problems. It only creates more problems of a differnt sort. As Isaiah once cried, "Oh woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips, living amongst a people of unclean lips! I am undone!" Heaven help us all in America.
2012-01-18 7:26 pm
A good question and not really easily answered. We can look at history and see the violence that non-tolerant societies/cultures have wrecked just as we can look across history and see that many cultures allow or even encourage what we consider depraved. (I will not point out here that hedonism is a valid moral system and vastly misunderstood by the majority).

Generally speaking "intolerance" comes from thinking that what we know and are comfortable with is the definition of "right". However, as we gain a more complete picture of the history of all cultures, we see that things like "gay marriage" are and were accepted by the majority of cultures.

Perhaps the real problem is that when we approach the idea of what is "allowed" and what is not, we tend to think that the more restrictive is the "best way" without considering the implications.
2012-01-18 7:17 pm
There is something to what that unspecified "someone" said. I have usually found those who demand tolerance are extremely intolerant to anyone else's views and actions.
2012-01-18 7:15 pm
Hogwash. Unless that person can demonstrate how those things harm other people, he or she should go soak his or her head in ice water. If murder, rape and robbery ever become unquestionably legal, I'll reconsider my stance.
2012-01-18 7:16 pm
karl popper says we should not tolerate intolerance, 50 or 60 years ago. society wasn't so depraved then.
i think it's interesting that the most intolerant are also the most religious. a repressed society is "better" than a free one to them, apparently.

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