請英文好既朋友仔幫手翻譯短文 中->英

2012-01-19 2:20 am
picture writing

百無聊賴中,不知不覺在課本畫上一個機械人,然後不自覺地卧在桌子,雙目也一併合上了。 時間一點一滴過去,當我抬頭一看,雙目模糊不清隱約看見一個機械人執起一本書正在授課,再看看課本中的公仔。這事情讓人不能接受,隨即站起來,驚訝地說:「老師怎麼變成了畫中的機械人?」回神過來,看真一點,卻是一面憤怒的臉孔。老師憤怒地說:「又在課堂發夢!」老師不禁指向門口。這時候,我意識到情況不妙了,最後,只好緩緩走出課室罰企。*不要google翻譯

*不要google 翻譯

回答 (2)

2012-01-19 2:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your Chinese is good. This is a very well written short essay which makes the translation hard. Here is me try. Note I assume the teach is a he. If it is a she, all pronouns need to change into the proper gender.

Everyone of us went back to their seats as soon as the bell rang. To me, who has no interest in science, this would be the most boring class of the day.
The teacher began his lecture as soon as he stepped in the classroom. I got lost quickly at his non-stop talking and hard to follow logic. Very soon, all the figures and graphs drawn on board became blurry.
Before I fell asleep, I remembered I aimlessly sketched a robot on my book. Then either in my dream or imagination, I saw my robot was teaching in front of the class. The vision woke me up and I cried out loud " How come my robot is teaching the class ?". When I saw my teacher's angry face and heard him said, "You fall asleep in my class again ?" I knew I was in big trouble. As you can expect, I was ordered to stand outside of the classroom again as a punishment.

2012-01-19 14:50:48 補充:
Your writing skill is very good. Too bad you cannot show it in English. All you need is some effort to master the language so you can skip the translation process in your mind then I guarantee you will be able to write good English essay at ease.

2012-01-21 09:10:39 補充:
"Before I fell asleep, I remembered I doodled a robot on my book." should be better.
2012-01-20 2:16 am
Hope this help:'Ting.....', the bell rang, all the students went back to their seats. Here it came the most boring subject of all - science - of course I found no interest on that because I was not doing good at neither science nor mathematics.The teacher hurried teaching as soon as he arrived the classroom. He hold the textbook up and started talking about secience and mathematics that were very hard to understand, the boring lessons had made me feel drowse, whenever I looked at the numbers and graphs on the blackboard, my visual became blurred.When the boresome went on, after I finished drawing a robot on my book unconsciously, I did not award that I laid on the desk and closed my eyes... Time passed, suddenly I looked up and saw a robot teaching with a book holding in his hand! That is the same one I had drawn! This is unbelievable! 'How could our teacher turnned into the robot I drew?' I jumped up and shouted. I tried to focus again and saw clearer, however, I now saw an angry face. 'You are dreaming in class again!', yelled the teacher angrily, with his finger pointing towards the door. Right, I know what that pointing meant. I could only spend the rest of the lesson standing outside the classroom as my punishment.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 05:28:42
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