
2012-01-18 7:28 am
小弟初學長笛, 但係唔想買yamaha, 因為夾過emerson 同 armstrong等牌子, 其實初級既價錢都差唔多....

正題: gemeinhardt 2sp/ emerson ef1/ef2 長笛高手會推介邊隻俾小弟呢?

小弟做左少少功課, 但係都係知咁多...請指教, 唔該!

回答 (2)

✔ 最佳答案
gemeinhardt 2sp better( old model only, new model isn't gd)
emerson not gd at all

this is the old model of 2sp, better sound quality


相信不用多說,Gemeinhardt 2ESP 是的經典 Student Model。Gemeinhardt 是世界出名,專出長笛的美國品牌,品質絕對比得上Yamaha;音質在 221 之上。 Arthur Gemeinhardt (Kurt's father) trained under Emil Rittershausen in Berlin. Mr. Rittershausen was a Boehm flute specialist who trained under Boehm and his partner Carl Mendler Sr. in Munich. So, the tradition and origin of the Gemeinhardt flute can be traced directly to the 19th century and Theobald Boehm's factory. 真正美國製造。 Reference: h t t p :// w w w .gemeinhardt.c o m / <== No space 此笛 Headjoint Cutting 做得很好。 此長保存得很好,外表有95%新,笛身光亮,按鍵順滑,沒有漏氣。 溫馨提示:若有心,並堅持,多花一些金錢買此長笛是非常理想!但容易放氣的人, 不如買最平的國產出品更好!!!i want to sell it now, if you are interested, please call me
參考: 一個為音樂而瘋狂的人[email protected]
2012-01-23 6:30 pm
i agree "Gemeinhardt 2ESP" is better also.

i can contact the seller also.

my mail: [email protected]


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