accessible components - 中文解釋

2012-01-18 1:28 am
pls help to translate below ENG sentence into Chinese, Or let me know the Chinese meaning...Thank you!

" All of above requirements only apply to accessible components"

Pls reply in Chinese!

i am not really sure...but i think the meaning is " 以上要求只適用於可接觸到的組件" ....

回答 (3)

2012-01-18 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
accessible components - 中文解釋
uli, you are right. Your understanding of the meaning of the sentence is basically correct. Its translation can be:

2012-01-17 18:27:15 補充:

2012-01-17 18:45:33 補充:
accessible components的 中文解釋是"可接觸到的組件”

2012-01-17 18:50:26 補充:
ChanHo Yee,
Will you be kind enough to share the meaning of 訪問組件 with us, please?
參考: 以上所有要求只適用於可接觸到的組件“... ..
2012-01-18 10:39 pm
very very Good~
2012-01-18 2:34 am
thisis the chinese meaing以上所有要求只適用於訪問組件

accessible components =訪問組件

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